Trening og livsstilspodden er en podcast laget av Loyd Georg Færøvik hvor hovedtemaet er trening og livsstil, sammen med ham er fast gjest Anders Oftedal. Tanken bak er at den skal være lett å forstå for alle som er begynt med livstilssendringer. Men rotet i nok kunnskap til at erfarne som ønsker å utvikle seg også får med seg noe. Noen gjester får vi også av og til. Det skal være gøy med trening og livsstil!
Friday Jun 24, 2022
My Guest - Mike Tuchscherer
Friday Jun 24, 2022
Friday Jun 24, 2022
My guest this week is no other than Mike Tuchscherer
Sometimes life gives you the strangest curveballs.
In 2014 i was in OHIO in USA for the Arnolds sports festival.
A huge convention that houses all kinds of power and fitness sports.
I was there as a coach and tourist and i got to see so many of the greats.
In the powerlifting area i had the chance to meet Mike and we had a short talk.
More memorable for me than him ofcourse.
In 2022 i was in Africa with the world championships and the same Mike was there.
I have a list over some people that i want to do a podcast with, before I retire, and Mike (also Bonica) is on the top of that list.
So i asked him expecting a No, but to my surprise he said yes.
Whos is Mike?
Currently, Mike's achievements include:
- Winning the Gold Medal at the 2009 World Games
- Winning 8 USA Powerlifting National Championships
- 2 Bronze, 3 Silver, 1 Gold medals in IPF World Championships
- Set 3 IPF World Records multiple times
- Competed internationally both single ply and unequipped.
- Founder of Reactive Training Systems.
- Coach of 12 IPF world-record-setting PLers.
- And a nice dude
I got to pick his brain for an short hour and the questions i asked was:
- Rpe scale
- Using rpe for beginners? Or advanced?
- New talent, should they optimise spesific sbd or train varied?
- Best lifts? Before and now? (Comeback)
- Your thoughts about unilateral exercises for powerlifting?
- Cardio training and max power?
- Kids, how is the life compared to before?
- Thoughts on moving back to America?
- I always ask about secret for good bench,
The episode is in english.
#Powerlifting #NSF #Styrkeløft #squat #Deadlift
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