Trening og livsstilspodden er en podcast laget av Loyd Georg Færøvik hvor hovedtemaet er trening og livsstil, sammen med ham er fast gjest Anders Oftedal. Tanken bak er at den skal være lett å forstå for alle som er begynt med livstilssendringer. Men rotet i nok kunnskap til at erfarne som ønsker å utvikle seg også får med seg noe. Noen gjester får vi også av og til. Det skal være gøy med trening og livsstil!
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Guest - Bonica Brown
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
So, first of. This is a english episode of “trening og livsstilspodden”. English guest means english language. So the description of it should be in english.
I guess i will have some new listeners that would not be able to listen to the podcast regularly, so welcome you are. Sometimes there will be english and sometimes it will be in norwegian. I just ask guests if they want to join. And when they say yes i will cater to how it would suit them best.
Short introduction of me, norwegian powerlifter/coach with passion for training others and trying to learn as much as possible on this planet before i leave. I am especially interested in how people get to become what they do and try to help new people get to their goal faster than i did. I also do some triathlons as a hobby and work and own a personal training studio in norway. So mildly interested in training perhaps.
I got to interview a couple of people on my bucketlist when i was in Africa for the world championship in powerlifting. First of was amazing Bonica Brown.
For the people on the big scene she is known, but just some small notes on her.
She is the current world champion in 84+ catagory, with 11 world titles both in equipt and raw powerlifting. World record squat with 273.5 and a though woman.
She is also very fun and positive.
I wanted to hear how she ticked and what drives her toward her goals.
Questions i asked was
- Born and raised?
- Why powerlifting and what other sports would you choose?
- Why are you so strong?
- Philosophies towards lifting.
- Your idols - in powerlifting?
- Next generation?
- Level on pokemon go - other passions?
- Favorite past time hobbies that dont involve lifting
- Any querks before competition attempts
It was nice and personal, a wonderful chat that lasted for 1.45 hours.
It takes me some minutes to not be to starstruck, so give it a little time before it flows.
Hope you enjoy it!
Her instagram account is https://instagram.com/bubblypowerlifter -
We bounce back and forth on the topics, but i loved what her advice was to archieve the most of yourself, among other things.
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